Jillian Kreinbring

Something very clever and exciting about how great Jillian is and what the dates are and the location
All hail our bone queen Jillian

Training Theory
Jillian’s work with horses draws upon Classical Dressage principles and her roots in the Western Horse arena.
She has studied with Manolo Mendez, Peggy Cummings, Stephanie Millham, and the late Mark Russell.
Jillian makes decisions about what knowledge to apply by determining if it is in alignment with horse and human functional anatomy, and their mental well-being.
She believes that the deepest and most insightful lessons come from the horses themselves — trusted friends.

About Jillian
With a vision to train and ride horses in accordance with sound functional anatomy and posture principles,
her goal is to balance the natural and anatomic forces within and between the horse and human for healthy movement and vital longevity.

01/19 - 01/23
All hail the bone queen, long may she reign!
$1 million

01/19 - 01/23
may her armies always gather in times of boney need
$3 million

Snack Chief
01/19 - 01/23
and may the bones allow her to fulfill her destiny
$10 million